Sunday, July 10, 2011

Get back on the horse

This week was about refilling our bucket. The sunflowers are blooming all over the land. We retraced our steps back to the end of the hike (descendre a Couzet ) and then later were confirmed by an ENT specialist that the nose is broken. Our Mission Pres wife suggested waiting until returning to the States for an operation to have a better idea of the Doctors experience and to be able to communicate just how cute and little my nose was before all the HAPPENED! So, one day we picked berries, all wearing red! We saw a white rabbit that looked like a stuffed fake one!, We always look at construction ( while doing missionary work) We have a new Au pair named Andrea, who came from Germany, but born in Paraguay, she is a great example of what we are experiencing everyday( SP, German, Fr, English, young and single and very fun and cute!!!), We went to Lausanne and saw the Archives, fascinating work with history and books. Looks like a good way to serve a mission!. Today I donned my hiking boots ( the ones we bought last winter that are one size too large) to and try some hiking, hopefully without slipping. We continue to feel blessed, and this week remembering America and the freedoms which allowed for the Gospel to grow.

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