Thursday, March 3, 2011

Downtown Geneva Shopping with Eliane

While Jim was going to the Stake Priesthood meeting Eliane (french neighbor) and I went downtown, As we drove through alot of construction she comment (of course almost all French), Where are all the strawberry fields? I told her about Woodland Hills and how there used to be fields there. We are both love the nature and fields. When we got to Geneva we were looking for not sure of the spelling, but it is fabric to make curtains. What is found that she liked was $79.00 a meter (like a yard) (Euros are about the same as $)!! She didnt buy any thing yet! Then we looked for the homeopathic pharmacy which was even more intersting. They took Jims tea and copied the ingrediance and we picked it up today. They eliminate the middle man or should I say Doctor!. Eliane talks to everyone, and everyone says Bonjour ....Bonne journee, Very potite, friendly, She'll pull over and ask someone walking down the street for directions, Now, either she is not typical or you can see why we are such good friends!. As should as she recovers totaly from her second surgury she will teach art in Africa, Senegal,which is french speaking, Amazing! One of the things I learned with her is , the french have many many words for the word love but the German only have one! The french have many sweet words of enderment, she asked That is how we got into the discusion about sweetheart and love. I am learning so much more when I spend time with the French people and truely love them. We have been studying french histoire again so that we can better undestand the culture, So, those who are is school will please keep paying attention to history class, The beginning of man kind and the development of different cultures and countries, amazing. This is long and philosophical (SP?) Who cares? I do! because I love people and want to be able to understand them better. In order to turn peoples heart to God we need to love them first.

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